Red Canyon Media

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3 Reasons Why you Should
Outsource your SEO

White label SEO gets over 100,000 related searches every month.

This shows that there are pain points most agencies struggle with creating or attempting to create and manage an SEO product.


Even though I focus on why you should outsource your SEO, there are a lot of White label SEO providers that are not very good at any of the points below. We can evaluate your current provider for you.

1. Cost Savings

For a single agency to run an SEO program, there will be investments into employees. These employees will want health benefits, Paid time off, and possibly stock options or profit-sharing. Then as your business grows, you would need to hire ahead of the growth that may or may not happen, costing you more money.


A white label SEO partner has the same issue. However, it isn’t a cost issue when it is spread out among many agencies with greater predictability. The white label partner can manage it at a much lower cost than the individual agencies. 


At least 30% is lost managing employees, writers, and fulfillment work either outsourced or insourced. Managing the workload in spreadsheets or task management software not tailored to your needs is time-consuming.


Not every agency can spend a million dollars developing technology to serve their customers better. A white label SEO partner should provide, Online reporting, integration into analytics and Google search console, and a communication hub for your clients.

2. Client Retention

Whether you sell a review product, email marketing or anything that helps your client perform business, your clients need customers in order to keep paying you.


Still need convincing, check out these statistics.

  • 80% of major purchases start with online research
  • 75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engines
  • 70% of online marketers say that SEO is better than PPC for generating sales.
  • SEO has the highest ROI of any marketing product.

3. Experience

In this market, it is hard finding good employees that know SEO. It is even harder to find employees with the experience you need to run an SEO product successfully. 


With an outsourced team that has the experience and expertise, you will have greater success. A good white label SEO partner will have the resources to support your sales as well as client retention.

Red Canyon Media

Red Canyon Media’s Team has been doing white label SEO for over 13 years. They understand the complexities and how to help you drive more revenue and help your clients at the same time.


Red Canyon Media follows Google’s E.A.T. methodology, Expertise, Authority and Trust.  Even though some black hat Tactics might help get results in the short term, we believe protecting your brand and long term success is more important.

Other white label SEO providers

Beware of tactics that some White label providers could use like PBNs(private blog networks), Blog comment spamming, Social bookmarking, and only marketing long-tail keywords with little to no traffic. These tactics will not help the client get more customers and will get them penalized by Google.


Check out our blog for more information about White label SEO and how we can help. 

How We Work with Marketing Departments

At Red Canyon Media, we offer White Label SEO to marketing departments to help increase their success with SEO.

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Google released in 2019 how they determine the value of a website. They refer to it as the E.E.A.T. Methodology. Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust.

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