Whether you’re an individual marketer or you operate a large marketing agency, you’re familiar with the challenges that come with staying organized, creating good content, and meeting your client’s needs. Achieving your goals means meeting these problems head-on to provide you with better SEO partnerships.
Red Canyon Media’s cloud-based software as a solution ( SaaS ) platform marries marketing and technology into a next-level Martech service for our partners. Here are four ways we make everything about marketing easier:
Flexibility for your clients
You can easily integrate your current business processes into our workflow management software, which allows you to navigate all your communications and procedures from a single platform.
When you need to scale up quickly, work with our white-labeled, in-app fulfillment team on an as-needed basis. This gives you a secret weapon you can use so that you are always ready to expand and never fall below your clients’ expectations. There are no long-term commitments for your clients, so they can pause or cancel at any time.
Transparency in reporting
Our workflow management platform makes tracking all your marketing activities as simple as possible. Get started now with a free SEO partnership setup and your clients will receive instant access to white-label reporting that includes Keyword Metrics and a live Work Summary.
We know that metrics matter. With our SaaS system, you get in-app messaging and dashboard reporting on all of the important SEO metrics – including keyword ranking summations and real-time work summaries on past, present, and future orders. This in-depth view of your marketing strategy in live-action answers that tried-and-true-question asked by clients everywhere, “What have you done for me lately?”
Cost-Efficiency for SEO partnerships
The use of our software is always free . As a marketing partner, you only pay the wholesale costs for the services you order from our fulfillment team. Our system automatically keeps track of your retail pricing chosen for each marketing package you build, allowing you to bill your clients directly through our client invoicing system at whatever rates you choose.
Here’s how we keep costs low and pass the savings on to you! Because we operate through our own SaaS platform, we eliminate the overhead associated with big offices, large executive teams, and layers of middlemen. Through the collective experiences of our teams, we have gathered together to eliminate the usual time-sucks and cost inefficiencies that happen for startups and marketing agencies. We’ve been able to automate orders, billing, and streamline communications for the client to ensure that more is delivered for less. This keeps prices low for our partners.
Quality delivered to your clients
We expect a higher level of SEO knowledge from our content fulfillment team than other companies. To that end, we provide our team members the training they need so that our partners get quality content pieces, every time.
In fact, we pay our fulfillment team more than other companies so that we can retain the best of the best. We never outsource overseas or re-sell vendors that mark up costs even higher. So often other agencies outsource to other agencies, resulting in the client adopting up to 6x overhead for the same work they could get directly from the source. You won’t find that here. We believe there are plenty of talented, fantastic people in the world eager to do their best work. We’d rather create jobs and build communities than recycle low-quality work for higher and higher costs.
We work hard to build committed teams that take pride in the work we produce — and that benefits our partners. When marketing and technology blend together in just the right way, everybody wins. Check out Red Canyon Media to learn more about what we offer.
The post Why We Are Different From Other White-Label SEO Partnerships appeared first on Red Canyon.